5 - Mode Tuning for the Violin Maker by Carleen M. Hutchins, Duane Voskuil
10 - Vibration Modes of Neck, Scroll and Fingerboard by Rodney K. Day, Erik V. Jansson
15 - A Trial of Fuhr's Method of Testing Violins and Violin Plates by Edward Wall
18 - Tri-octave Tuning of Violin Top Free Plates by Oliver E. Rodgers
28 - Fiddle after a Viol-player's Heart by C.H. Agren
29 - More on Violin String Angles by Ake Ekwall
31 - News and Correspondence
34 - Meetings, Workshops, Seminars
37 - SMAC '93 Program
41 - SMAC '93 Stockholm Abstracts
49 - VSA/CAS Meeting Abstracts
50 - VSA/CAS Meeting Remarks by Edith L.R. Corliss
51 - VSA/CAS Meeting Remarks by William E. Slaby
55 - Obituary, Necrology
56 - Memories of Hammond Ashley by Peggy Warren