Other "firsts" in this issue include Schleske's study of eigenmode changes during violin-making, a continuation of his paper in the previous issue. He demonstrates for the first time the principles and possibilities for making "tonal copies." Schumacher and Garoff's paper presents the first observations that directly show permanent physical consequences to the bowing device of the slip-stick bowed-string motion at the point of contact between bow and string.
The perennial "viola problem" is represented in this issue by two papers. Miles explains how it is possible to make the viola longer inside than outside, thereby altering the air modes. Purich explains how some changes to the usual outline and to construction materials can be beneficial.
I am delighted that Gregg Alf offered to share the design for the Curtin & Alf bassbar frame. Simple in concept, and not difficult to make, the frame helps in the fitting process by ensuring that the bar will be positioned consistently in all three orientations. i hope that more makers will offer to share the tools, jigs, methods, and construction objectives they have found useful for producing acoustically and aesthetically superior instruments.
We have continued to make minor changes to the Journal format. Our goal is to provide a more appealing and readable journal, and we hope you like it. We would appreciate your comments and suggestions for what we can still do better.
Good Reading!
A. Thomas King
9 - Bowing with a Glass Bow by R. T. Schumacher & S. Garoff
18 - On Making "Tonal Copies" of a Violin by Martin Schleske
29 - Tuning the A1 Mode Without Changing the Body Size of an Instrument by John L. Miles
40 - The Setup and Repair of the Bass Violin for Optimum Sound by Charles Traeger
45 - A Note on Tonewood Selection by Thomas M. Cox
47 - A New Look at Viola Design and Acoustics by Peter Purich
51 - Curtin & Alf's Bass Bar Frame by Gregg T. Alf