Catgut Acoustical Society
Selected Research Articles

We include here sample articles from the CAS Journal and other related materials that are of particular import and interest to violin makers, researchers, and players.

Mode Tuning for the Violin Maker by Carleen M. Hutchins and Duane Voskuil
CAS Journal Vol. 2, No. 4 (Series II), Nov. 1993, pp. 5 - 9

This article summarizes findings obtained by tests on several hundred instruments. It includes suggested methods in which violin makers can adjust their instruments to take advantage of frequency relationships between cavity modes and body modes.

Founding a Family of Fiddles by Carleen Maley Hutchins
from Physics Today, February 1967, Vol. 20, No. 2, reprinted by permission.

This is the classic article that provides information about and the research behind the construction of the Violin Octet.

The Life and Work of Carleen Maley Hutchins by Paul R. Laird
from Ars Musica Denver, Vol. 6, No. 1, Fall 1993.

This is a nice biography of Carleen Hutchins, written by Paul Laird.

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