Early 16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
Early 19th Century
19th-Century "Greats"
A Perspective
Radiated Intensity as a Function of Frequency
Radiated Intensity as a Function of Both Direction and Frequency
Fourier Analysis and the Constant-Q Transform
PAPER 1. Brown, J. C. (1991). Calculation of a constant Q spectral transform, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89 (1), 425-434.
PAPER 2. Cremer, L. (1990). Remarks on the prediction of eigenmodes of violins, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (6), 1-5.
PAPER 3. Dünnwald, H. (1990). Em erweitertes Verfahren zur objektiven Bestimmung der Klangqualität von Violinen, Acustica 71, 269-276.
PAPER 4. Dünnwald, H. (1991). Deduction of objective quality parameters on old and new violins, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (7), 1-5.
PAPER 5. Gabrielsson, A. and Jansson, E. V. (1979). Long-time-average-spectra and rated qualities of twenty-two violins, Acustica 42 (1), 47-55.
PAPER 6. Meyer, J. (1993). The sound of the orchestra, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 41 (4), 203-213.
PAPER 7. Miller, J. E. (1993). Spectral measurements of violins, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (4), 1-4.
PAPER 8. Tro, J., Pettersen, O. Kr. Ø., Kristiansen, U. K. (1983). Sound radiation from a double bass visualized by intensity vectors, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 40, 7-9.
PAPER 9. Weinreich, G. and Arnold, E. B. (1980). Method for measuring acoustic radiation fields, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68 (2), 404-411.
Historical Understanding
The Wolftone
Corner Rounding and Sharpening
The Flattening Effect
"Higher Types" of Bowed String Mofion
Recent Theory and Computer Simulation
PAPER 10. Benade, A. H. (1975). The wolf tone on violin family instruments, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 24, 21-23.
PAPER 11. Cremer, L. (1982). Consideration of the duration of transients in bowed instruments, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 38, 13-18.
PAPER 12. Gough, C. (1984). The nonlinear free vibration of a damped elastic string, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75 (6), 1770-1776.
PAPER 13. Hancock, M. (1989). The dynamics of musical strings, [1] J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (3), 33-45.
PAPER 14. Hancock, M. (1991). The dynamics of musical strings, [2] J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (8), 23-35.
PAPER 15. Kubota, H. (1987). Kinematical study of the bowed string, J. Acoust. Soc Jpn. (J) 43 (5), 301-310 (in Japanese). English translation prepared for this book by the author.
PAPER 16. Lawergren, B. (1983). Harmonics of S motion on bowed strings, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73 (6), 2174-2179
PAPER 17. Legge, K. A. and Fletcher, N. H. (1984). Nonlinear generation of missing modes on a vibrating string, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 76 (1), 5-12.
PAPER 18. McIntyre, M. E. and Woodhouse, J. (1979). On the fundamentals of bowed-string dynamics, Acustica 43 (2), 93-108.
PAPER 19. McIntyre, M. E., Schumacher, R. T., and Woodhouse, J. (1981). Aperiodicity in bowed-string motion, Acustica 49 (1), 13-32. (See also corrigendum in McIntyre et al., 1982.)
PAPER 20. McIntyre, M. E., Schumacher, R. T., and Woodhouse, J. (1982). Aperiodicity in bowed-string motion: On the differential slipping mechanism, Acustica 50 (4), 294-295.
PAPER 21. Pickering, N. C. (1985). Physical properties of violin strings, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 44, 6-8.
PAPER 22. Pickering, N. C. (1986a). Elasticity of violin strings, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 46, 2-3.
PAPER 23. Pickering, N. C. (1989). Nonlinear behavior in overwound violin strings, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (3), 46-50.
PAPER 24. Schumacher, R. T. (1979). Self-sustained oscillations of the bowed string, Acustica 43 (2), 109-120.
PAPER 25. Schumacher, R. T. (1994). Measurements of some parameters of bowing, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96 (4), 1985-1998.
PAPER 26. Weinreich, G. and Caussé, R. (1986). Electronic bows: Digital and analog, Proceedings, 12th International Congress on Acoustics, Toronto, 1986, Vol.111, paper K3-7.
PAPER 27. Woodhouse, J. (1993a). On the playability of violins, Part I: Reflection functions, Acustica 78, 125-136.
PAPER 28. Woodhouse, J. (1993b). On the playability of violins, Part II: Minimum bow force and transients, Acustica 78, 137-153.
PAPER 29. Askenfelt, A. (1989). Measurement of the bowing parameters in violin playing. II: Bow-bridge distance, dynamic range, and limits of bow force, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86 (2), 503-516.
PAPER 30. Bissinger, G. (1993). Merging microphone and accelerometer hammer-impact modal analysis measurements: Working example-the violin bow, Proceedings of the 11th International Modal Analysis Conference, pp. 850-854.
PAPER 31. Pickering, N. C. (1991b). A new light on bow action, J. Violin Soc. Am. 11, 83-92.
PAPER 32. Rocaboy, F. (1990). The structure of bow-hair fibres, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (6), 34-36.
PAPER 33. Schumacher, R. T. (1975). Some aspects of the bow, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 24, 5-8.
PAPER 34. Jansson, E. V., Frydén, L., and Mattsson, G. (1990). On tuning of the violin bridge, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (6), 11-15.
PAPER 35. Kishi, K. and Osanai, T. (1991). Vibration analysis of the cello bridge using the finite element method, J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (J) 47 (4), 274-281 (in Japanese). English translation prepared for this book by the authors.
PAPER 36. Muller, H. A. (1979). The function of the violin bridge, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 31, 19-22.
PAPER 37. Rodgers, O. E. and Masino, T. R. (1990). The effect of wood removal on bridge frequencies, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (6), 6-10.
PAPER 38. Trott, W. J. (1987). The violin and its bridge, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81 (6), 1948-1954.
The Tailpiece
PAPER 39. Condax, L. (1964). The soundpost of the violin, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 2, 6-7; reprinted in J. Catgut Acoust. Soc., 2d ser., 1 (2), 28 (1988).
PAPER 40. Fang, N. J.-J. and Rodgers, O. E. (1992). Violin soundpost elastic vibration, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (1), 39-40.
PAPER 41. Hutchins, C. M. (1993). The effect of relating the tailpiece frequency to that of other violin modes, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (3), 5-8.
PAPER 42. Hutchins, C. M. (1981). The acoustics of violin plates, ScL Am., October 1981, 170-186.
PAPER 43. Hutchins, C. M. (1991). A rationale for bi-tri octave plate tuning, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (8), 36-39.
PAPER 44. Jansson, E. V., Moral, J. A., and Niewczyk, J. (1988). Experiments with free violin plates, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (2), 2-6.
PAPER 45. Molin, N.-E. and Jausson, E. V. (1989). Transient wave propagation in wooden plates for musical instruments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85 (5), 2179-2184.
PAPER 46. Molin, N.-E., Lindgren, L.-E., and Jansson, E. V. (1988). Parameters of violin plates and their influence on the plate modes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83(l), 281-290.
PAPER 47. Moral, J. A. and Jansson, E. V. (1982). Eigenmodes, input admittance, and the function of the violin, Acustica 50 (5), 329-337; a shorter version was published in Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 34, 29-32 (1980).
PAPER 48. Rodgers, O. E. (1988). The effect of the elements of wood stiffness on violin plate vibration, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (1), 2-8.
PAPER 49. Rodgers, O. E. (1990a). Influence of local thickness changes on violin plate frequencies, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (5), 13-16.
PAPER 50. Rodgers, O. E. (1990b). Relative influence of plate arching and plate thickness patterns on violin back free plate tuning, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (6), 29-33.
PAPER 51. Rodgers, O. E. (1991b). Influence of local thickness changes on violin top plate frequencies, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (7), 6-10.
PAPER 52. Rodgers, O. E. (1993). Influence of local thickness changes on violin top plate frequencies, Part 2, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (3), 14-16.
PAPER 53. Thompson, R. (1979). The effect of variations in relative humidity on the frequency response of free violin plates, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 32, 25-27.
Early Work
Hologram Interferometry
Modal Analysis
Finite-Element Analysis
PAPER 54. Knott, G. A. (1987). A modal analysis of the violin using MSC/NASTRAN and PATRAN, M.Sc. thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, March 1987.
PAPER 55. Marshall, K. D. (1985). Modal analysis of a violin, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77(2), 695-709.
PAPER 56. Molin, N.-E, Wåhlin, A. O., and Jansson, E. V. (1990). Transient wave response of the violin body (Letter to the Editor), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88 (5), 2479-2481.
PAPER 57. Molin, N.-E., Wåhlin, A. O., and Jansson, E. V. (1991). Transient wave response of the violin body revisited (Letter to the Editor), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 90 (4), 2192-2195.
PAPER 58. Roberts, G. W. (1986a). Finite element analysis of the violin, extract from Vibrations of shells and their relevance to musical instruments, section of a doctoral dissertation, University College, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
PAPER 59. Rodgers, O. E. (1991a). Effect on plate frequencies of local wood removal from violin plates supported at the edges, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (8), 7-11.
PAPER 60. Bissinger, G. (1992a). Effect of f-hole shape, area, and position on violin cavity modes below 2 kHz, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (2), 12-17.
PAPER 61. Bissinger, G. (1992b). Effect of violin cavity volume (height) changes on the cavity modes below 2 kHz, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (2), 18-21.
PAPER 62. Bissinger, G. and Hutchins, C. M. (1988). Al cavity-mode-enhanced fundamental in bowed violin and viola sound, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (2), 11-13.
PAPER 63. Hutchins, C. M. (1990). A study of the cavity resonances of a violin and their effects on its tone and playing qualities, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87 (1), 392-397
PAPER 64. Jansson, E. V. (1977). Acoustical properties of complex cavities. Prediction and measurements of resonance properties of violin-shaped and guitar-shaped cavities, Acustica 37 (4), 211-221
PAPER 65. Roberts, G. W. (1986b). Modelling air-cavity modes of stringed, instruments, selected for this volume by the author from his doctoral dissertation, University College, Cardiff, Wales.
PAPER 66. Sacksteder, R. (1987). How well do we understand Helmholtz resonance? J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 48, 27-28.
PAPER 67. Shaw, E. A. G. (1990). Cavity resonance in the violin: Network representation and the effect of damped and undamped rib holes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87 (1), 398-410.
Circuit Theory
The Violin Studied by String Resonances
Acoustical Spectroscopy
The Effect of Two Adjacent Modes on Violin Tone Quality
PAPER 68. Arnold, E. B. and Weinreich, G. (1982). Acoustical spectroscopy of violins, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 72 (6), 1739-1746.
PAPER 69. Gough, C. E. (1980). The resonant response of a violin G-string and the excitation of the wolf-note, Acustica 44 (2), 113-123.
PAPER 70. Gough, C. E. (1981b). The theory of string resonances on musical instruments, Acustica 49 (2), 124-141.
PAPER 71. Hutchins, C. M. (1985). Effects of an air-body coupling on the tone and playing qualities of violins, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 44, 12-15.
PAPER 72. Hutchins, C. M. (1989). A measurable controlling factor in the tone and playing qualities of violins, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (4), 10-15.
PAPER 73. Hutchins, C. M. and Rodgers, O. E. (1992). Methods of changing the frequency spacing (delta) between the Al and B1 modes of the violin, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (1), 13-19.
PAPER 74. Hutchins, C. M. and Voskuil, D. (1993). Mode tuning for the violin maker, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (4), 5-9.
PAPER 75. Schelleng, J. C. (1963). The violin as a circuit, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 35 (3), 326-338.
PAPER 76. Weinreich, G. (1985a). Sound hole sum rule and the dipole moment of the violin, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77 (2), 710-718.
PAPER 77. Weinreich, G. (1985b). Violin radiativity: Concepts and measurements, in SMAC 83: Proceedings, Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference, July 28-August 1, 1983, Vol.11 (Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm), pp. 99-109.
Violin-Making Practices
The Wood of the 17th- and 18th-Century Violins
Wood Properties
Moisture in Wood
Acoustical Properties
Effect of Wood Properties
Graphite-Epoxy Sandwich for Soundboards
New Analysis Techniques
PAPER 78. Bonamini, G., Chiesa, V., and Uzielli, L. (1991). Anatomical features and anisotropy in spruce wood with indented rings, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (8), 12-16.
PAPER 79. Bucur, V. (1987). Varieties of resonance wood and their elastic constants, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 47, 42-48.
PAPER 80. Bucur, V. (1988). Wood structural anisotropy estimated by acoustic invariants, IAWA Bull. n.s., 9 (1), 67-74.
PAPER 81. Bucur, V., Saied, A., and Attal, J. (1992). Identification of wood anatomical elements by acoustic microscopy, J. Catgut AcousL Soc. 2d ser.,2(1), 41.
PAPER 82. Caldersmith, G. W. (1988). Vibration theory and wood properties II, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (2), 7-10.
PAPER 83. Dunlop, J. I. (1978). Damping loss in wood at mid kilohertz frequencies, Wood Science and Technology 12, 49-62.
PAPER 84. Dunlop, J. I. (1989). The acoustic properties of wood in relation to stringed musical instruments, Acoustics Australia 17 (2), 37-40.
PAPER 85. Dunlop, J. I. and Shaw, M. (1991). Acoustical properties of some Australian woods, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (7), 17-20.
PAPER 86. Fryxell, R. (1990). Further studies of "moisture breathing" by wood, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (5), 37-38.
PAPER 87. Fulton, W. (1992). The bent violin top and back plate, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (1), 24-27.
PAPER 88. Haines, D. W. (1979). On musical instrument wood. Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 31, 23-32.
PAPER 89. Haines, D. W. (1980). On musical instrument wood-Part II. Surface finishes, plywood, light and water exposure, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 33, 19-23.
PAPER 90. Haines, D. W. and Chang, N. (1975). Application of graphite composites in musical instruments, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 23, 13-15.
PAPER 91. McIntyre, M. E. and Woodhouse, J. (1988). On measuring the elastic and damping constants of orthotropic sheet materials, Acta Metall 36 (6), 1397-1416.
PAPER 92. Müller, H. A. (1986). How violin makers choose wood and what the procedure means from a physical point of view, paper presented at Catgut Acoustical Society International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Hartford, CT.
PAPER 93. Rodgers, O. E. (1992). The adequacy of thin shell finite element analysis methods and a comment on bent plates, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (1), 37-38.
PAPER 94. Schleske, M. (1 990). Speed of sound and damping of spruce in relation to the direction of grains and rays, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (6), 16-20.
PAPER 95. Schumacher, R. T. (1988). Compliances of wood for violin top plates, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84 (4), 1223-1235
The Early Varnishes
Acoustical Effects of Varnish
Is There a "Secret" of Stradivari?
PAPER 96. Barlow, C. Y. and Woodhouse, J. (1988). Microscopy of wood finishes, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (1), 9-15.
PAPER 97. Barlow, C. Y. and Woodhouse, J. (1989). Of old wood and varnish: Peering into the can of worms, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (4), 2-9.
PAPER 98. Hutchins, C. M. (1987). Effects of five years of filler and varnish seasonings on the eigenmodes in four pairs of viola plates, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 48, 25-26.
PAPER 99. Hutchins, M. A. (1991). Effects on spruce test strips of four-year application on four different sealers plus oil varnish, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 1 (7), 11-16.
PAPER 100. Schelleng, J. C. (1968a). Acoustical effects of violin varnish, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 44 (5), 1175-1183.
Physical Measurements and Musical Quality
Perception and Musical Quality
PAPER 101. Askenfelt, A. and Jansson, E. V. (1992). On vibration sensation and finger touch in stringed instrument playing, Music Perception 9 (3), 311-350.
PAPER 102. Bissinger, G. and Hutchins, C. M. (1985a). Air-plate à neck fingerboard coupling and the "feel" of a good violin, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 44, 11-12.
PAPER 103. Boomsliter, P. and Creel, W. (1979). Prestimulus perceptual activity in perception of tone in musical sequences, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 32, 3-6.
PAPER 104. Chafe, C. (1978). A comparison of timbres inherent in traditional violoncello playing, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 29, 19-23.
PAPER 105. Chafe, C. (1990). Pulsed noise in self-sustained oscillations of musical instruments, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conf Acoust. Sp. and Sig. Proc., Albuquerque, NM, April 1990.
PAPER 106. Marshall, K. D. (1986). The musician and the vibrational behavior of a violin, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 45, 28-33.
PAPER 107. Meyer, J. (1992). Zur kianglichen Wirkung des Streicher-Vibratos, Acustica 76, 283-291.
PAPER 108. Pollard, H. F. (1988). Feature analysis and musical timbre, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc., 2d ser., 1 (1), 16-24.
PAPER 109. Pollard, H. F. and Jansson, E. V. (1982a). Analysis and assessment of musical starting transients, Acustica 51 (5), 249-262.
PAPER 110. Pollard, H. F. and Jansson E. V. (1982b). A tristimulus method for the specification of musical timbre, Acustica 51 (3), 162-171.
PAPER 111. Catgut Acoustical Society. (1981). The Violin Octet (Catgut Acoustical Society, Montclair, NJ), 12 pp.
PAPER 112. Catgut Acoustical Society. (1994). Author Index to Newsleaers and Journals (19641994). (Catgut Acoustical Society, Montclair, NJ).
PAPER 113. Hutchins, C. M. (1967). Founding a family of fiddles, Physics Today 20 (2), 23-37.
PAPER 114. Hutchins, C. M. (1992b). A 30-year experiment in the acoustical and musical development of violin-family instruments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92 (2), Pt. 1, 639-650.
PAPER 115. Benade, A. H. (1987). Musical acoustics entry in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Vol.8, pp. 620-649 (Academic Press, NewYork).
PAPER 116. McIntyre, M. B. and Woodhouse, J. (1978). The acoustics of stringed musical instruments, Interdiscip. Sci. Rev. 3 (2), 157-173.
PAPER 117. McIntyre, M. B., Schumacher, R. T., and Woodhouse, J. (1983). On the oscillations of musical instruments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74(5), 1325-1345.
PAPER 118. Schumacher, R. T. (1992). Analysis of aperiodicities in nearly periodic waveforms, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91 (1), 438-451.
PAPER 119. Hutchins, C. M. (1992a). The future of violin research, J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. 2d ser., 2 (1) 1-7.
PAPER 120. Pace, A. (1993). A Baroque queen embalmed, The Strad January 1993, 88-89.
PAPER 121. Weinreich, G. (1993). Klopsteg Memorial Lecture (August 1992): What science knows about violins-and what it does not know, Am. J. Phys. 61 (12), 1067-1077.
Author Index of Reprinted Papers
Subject Index