Catgut Acoustical Society
Important Books by members

The CAS does not sell this book, but we feel that it may be of particular interest to those interested in violin acoustics. If you wish to order a copy, you can place an order directly through the publisher (information provided below).

Research Papers in Violin Acoustics

Editor Carleen Maley Hutchins, Associate Editor Virginia Benade. This is a two-volume set published in July 1996 by the Acoustical Society of America.

An introductory essay, "350 Years of Violin Acoustics" relates the development of the violin to the scientific advances as well as the musical climate of each era from the early 15th century to the present.

The two-book set contains 120 definitive research papers with over 400 annotated references. It follows as a sequel to the two Benchmark volumes in violin acoustics edited by Carleen Maley Hutchins and published in 1975-76 by Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross.

This work will bring you up-to-date on the whole field of violin acoustics. It will be an essential reference for researchers, violin makers, string makers, wood technologists, string players, musicologists, and every library.

Subjects covered:

Full Table of Contents

The price is $120 to CAS and ASA members, $155 to nonmembers. It is published by the Acoustical Society of America, 500 Sunnyside Blvd, Woodbury, NY 11797, Tel: (516) 576-2357, Fax: (516) 576-2377. Further ordering information is available on their Web site under publications.

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